Use for fitting into tanks of process vessels for controlling liquid levels for preventing tank overflow.
Available in .P.P. & SS 316, Weather Proof (IP-65) or Flame Proof to IIA, IIB as per CMRS, Minimum TO NB Flange fo any Size To Control Pump Running .

Top Mounted LEvel Switch
Single, Bilevel and mulfilevel Sensing With potential free contacts.
Steam mounting | Stainless Steel |
Float | SS316, P.P., |
Mounting | Flanged, Threaded in MS / SS or TC Joint |
Displacer Type Level Switches
For High Temperature (Max. 350 Deg)
Pressure : Vacuum to 15 Kg/Cm2 Mounting : Min. 80 NB to 300 NB. Suitable for High Temperature Two Displacer available for pump control. External Cage on request

Conductivity Type Level Switch
Ideal for use in conductive liquids, i.e. Water non Foaming Liquids.Low Cost with easy Installation Available upto 30 /\/\eter & Temp. Upto 200 Deg Co